Sentra Vaksinasi

The world was reeling from the outset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2019. People were made to stay indoors for prolonged period of time unable to go about their daily routine. The country’s healthcare system was overwhelmed, death tolls were rising, and there was a looming sense of dread. Luckily, the government introduced vaccines for the COVID-19 in 2021. 

AUSCI CARE participates in the nationwide effort to inoculate people. We opened up a vaccination centre in collaboration with Vihara Pluit Dharma Sukha to deliver life saving vaccines to more than 50.000 people. We are thankful to the healthcare professionals, local public health center, and our many volunteers who braved themselves to help everyday during the height of the pandemic. Special thanks to our many sponsors that provided support and nourishment during the three vaccination periods from 2021 to 2022. This shows the trojan spirit of giving to others and helping others still stand strong.