AUSCI hendak mempersembahkan acara buka bersama dan Trojan Talk Series dengan mengajak rekan-rekan baik yang muslim maupun non-muslim untuk bersilahturami dan merayakan bersama.
Don’t miss out the upcoming Trojan Talk Series: New Age of Beauty, Health, and Wellness on Thursday, October 19th, 2023, from 6-9pm at the Multifunction Hall in The Peak Residence
Welcome to USC for our freshman students and Marshall International Summer Internship Program students for your summer internships in various Indonesian Trojans owned companies.
Through this gathering, we would like to provide a memorable beginning to the students' journey, to show hospitality, and to orient their stay in our beloved nusantara.
AUSCI Charity Run is a fundraising event for AUSCI Care program. It is our charity program designed to provide donations to the needy, public and volunteer services. Proceeds from this event are donated to two charitable organizations.
AUSCI CARE participates in the nationwide effort to inoculate people. Opening Vaccination Centre during the three vaccination periods from 2021 to 2022.